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Bishop John Zechariah


Evangelism is one way in which we can fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). In biblical categories, witnessing involves making visible what is otherwise invisible. The reality to which we bear witness is the invisible kingdom of God, and in witnessing we strive to make the Lord’s reign visibly manifest. Among the many ways we can bear witness to Jesus is through loving our fellow believers. We reveal to the world that we belong to our Savior when we love other Christians (John 13:34–35). Celebrating the Lord’s Supper proclaims visibly the Lord’s death until He comes again (1 Cor. 11:26). In preaching the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus in our evangelism, we are also helping to make visible the invisible reality of Christ.  Evangelism Is Telling People the Truth.

I Preach and Teach the word of God through sermons and bible studies. I tell people about Jesus because I want them to know him. I tell people how their relationship with God can be restored because I want it to be restored. I warn people about wrath, judgment, and hell because I don't want anyone to experience those things.  Much of my preaching and teaching is in other countries throughout the world.  

We have a Bible Study every Wednesday night at 7pm in Kingman, AZ.  For more information go to our CALENDAR.


© created by Susan Robertson 2019

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